Sunday, November 30, 2014

This I Believe
I believe in never giving up. As long as you keep trying your hardest you will succeed because the minute you quit is the minute you fail. This is how I am being raised today. Which is to always put forth my best effort.
Furthermore, I believe that if you fall off your bike, get right back up and keep going. My Dad taught me how to ride my bike. The hardest part about this was that the street we lived on was on the side of a hill and I didn't even know how to ride the bike let alone ride it up a hill. This was the hardest thing to do ever at this point in my life. And my Dad never put training wheels on my bike, so imagine how many times I fell. Of course, it hurt and my Mom would always try to get me to take a break so she could clean the scratches, but my Dad would always help me back up and tell me to try again. Then, I finally got to the top of that hill. Riding back down was the best feeling with the wind blowing in my face. The next thing I needed to learn was how to use the brakes.
Likewise, I believe that if you strike out, swing for a home run the next time. I played baseball when I was in Elementary School and I was horrible my first season. I got no more than five hits probably and I threw like a girl. But I still played catch with my Mom and Dad all the time. I even played baseball with some friends in my front yard. The next season came and my practice definitely paid off. I won the most improved player trophy, but that was not enough. I didn’t make the All-Star team, so I continued to practice all year long and after that I made it every year. Also, I did get that home run.
I also believe that if you get a bad grade in school, you should work even harder the next time. In high school, work is definitely a lot harder. It can be a lot to take in with all the testing, homework, drama, and more. But you should always try to keep your grades up without anybody having to tell you and make sure you do not get lazy. As long as you strive for the top five, you’ll do great. This I believe.